
Post-Filing Debtor Education

Disclosures for Post-filing debtor education

Please read the following statements carefully so that you will understand the procedures for this course.

Premier Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. has over 20 years of experience educating consumers and Debtors about money and credit. Our certified instructors have completed the certification program with Fincert and are required to continue their education yearly to maintain this highly regarded certification. Our agency is a member of the FCAA Financial Counseling Association of America.

In addition, the Quality Management System of Premier Consumer Credit Counseling that provides Credit Counseling and Debt Management Services is certified by SARA Registrar, and we were issued certificate number SARA-2021-CA-0273-A, after finding we fall within with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 standards. Registration is whereby a third-party, such as SARA Registrar, visits an organization, assesses their management system, and issues a certificate to show that the organization meets the requirements of the standard. Once a company has been issued with a certificate, SARA Management Systems, as a registrar, visits the organization on a regular basis to assess whether they continue to meet the requirements of the standard.

Premier Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. is a non-profit agency in the State of Florida. We are organized and operate in accordance with Florida State Non-profit. Premier Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. does not receive funding in the form of grants from banks and other financial institutions that support financial counseling and education. We do not pay or receive fees or other considerations for referrals of debtor students to our agency. Premier Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. is obligated to provide your certificate promptly upon completion of instruction, and we will do this within 3 business days upon the completion of your course. You will only receive your certificate upon completion of Post-filing debtor education course. Premier Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. might disclose debtor information to the Executive Office for the United States Trustee (EOUST) in connection with the United States Trustee’s oversight of the Provider, or during the investigation of complaints, during onsite visits, or during quality of service reviews. The EOUST has reviewed only the provider’s instructional service and has neither reviewed nor approved any other services. Premier Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. may offer services to help with unsecured debt if needed.

Upon the completion of Money in Motion our agency will provide you a certificate of completion of an instruction course promptly; and no later than 3 business days from the completion of the Post-filing debtor education. You will only receive this certificate if you complete the Post-filing debtor education. You will need to provide us with your bankruptcy case number for this certificate.

We will ask you to voluntarily fill out basic demographic information. We will not disclose any such information that you provide orally or in writing to anyone, except as authorized by you in writing or as required by law, such as a response to a subpoena or the United States Trustee in their oversight of this agency during the investigation of complaints, during on-site visits or during quality service reviews. We may compile data in aggregate form; however, your information will not be disclosed in any manner that would personally identify you.

To help cover the cost of providing the Post-filing debtor education to you, this agency charges a fee of $50 for a single and $75 if you are filing jointly, payable by debit card/ ACH/ Zelle. You may be eligible for a waiver of this fee based on your lack of ability to pay.  A waved fee is based on 150% of poverty guidelines updated periodically by the US Department of Health and Human Services. If you think you qualify for a waiver please call 1.800.296.4950 or Contact Us at https://www.premierconsumer.org/contact-us. As you proceed you will be asked a question about your household size and income. The counselor or the online program will notify you if you are eligible for a fee waiver.  If you are not eligible for a waiver your counselor will notify you and for online students you will proceed to the payment page where the fee is $50 for a single and $75 to file jointly. We do not charge a fee for the generation of your certificate of completion.

This agency has a policy of prohibiting it from paying or receiving referral fees for the referral of debtor, except under fair share agreement.  No fees are either paid or received by our agency for the referral of a debtor to a bankruptcy attorney or any bankruptcy alternative agency.

We do provide services in English and Spanish. If you require an additional language please visit the US Trustee site.

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by our agency you can utilize the Complaint Resolution Process.

The United State Trustee has reviewed our personal financial management instructional course pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 111(d) and the US Trustees has neither reviewed or approved any other services we provide to clients.